What Happens to my Assets After Going Bankrupt in Australia?
Declaring bankruptcy can seem like a scary decision to make and often comes with a lot of uncertainty and misinformation but there are many cases where bankruptcy can give you a positive result. It releases you from debts that have more than likely been weighing you down and causing you a whole lot of stress. […]
The Crucial Areas of Bankruptcy that an Insolvency Specialist Should Assist You With
Declaring bankruptcy is often a stressful and confusing time. You may find yourself faced with many complicated decisions that affect major aspects of your life such as your financial freedom, your ability to acquire a mortgage and the security of your assets. This process is made even more confusing by the many myths and misconceptions […]
What Happens to Your Tax Refund if You Have Debts to the Tax Office?
Many people have questions about what exactly happens during bankruptcy if part of their debt is with the ATO. Will they still get their refund? Or can the ATO claim it right back While it does depend on your circumstances, the most basic way to look at it is this: tax refunds for the income […]
Five Reasons Why You Need Ongoing Finance Management After Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy can be a difficult time in one’s life. However, you need not dwell on it for too long. There is help available for those in need and once you have passed that period which is usually around 3 years, you must take necessary precautions to ensure you don’t go back to the […]
The Six Biggest Disadvantages of a Debt Agreement
If you find yourself in a sticky situation with money, it may seem like a logical step to do everything in your power to avoid declaring bankruptcy. If a debt agreement is your only other option, is that really a better alternative? Here are the 6 biggest disadvantages of a debt agreement Public recordWhen you […]
Having Trouble Managing Your Debt? Where to Get Help
When you’re experiencing financial hardship, it can be difficult to know where to go and who to turn to for help. It’s not uncommon for people in debt to feed a combination of guilt, shame, embarrassment, fear and dread about what their future holds. Many Australians panic when they discover their only real option is […]